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Week of Oct 17th

ConnectBooster Admin 8 years ago 0

End Client > Dashboard: no open invoices shown


Payment Method Modal > get rid of scroll bar


End client > Service: not showing correct service tickets

  • They have Open tickets but none are showing up
  • Closed tickets shows only some older tickets, where are the rest?
  • Should sort tickets by newest first

Verify that two syncs are not running concurrently, clean up duplicate data

Default Undeposited Funds > Not Showing In UI


End client Service > no indication that tickets are clickable

-added pointer class to rows

Emailed receipts for Auto-pay > not rending the proper elements on some email clients.

-html adjustments

-added an alt tag to the image that loads the company name if images are not loaded

Portal Color >Secondary color not applied to navigation links


Contract List > Default Quick Filter should be "Active" contracts


Add Payment Method > Address Info

  • Option to add billing address is now showing

Add Payment Method >

  • Submitting a new method just sits on this screen and loads but never updates. Image

EndClient Sidebar > Company name not showing up correctly if it breaks onto 2 lines.



AutoPay Modal > Cannot save the Delete Auto-pay ActionImage

Autopay configurations > has styling issues.

  • Fixed multi-line bug


Scheduled Payment > Clicking "Re-schedule" on a future payment does nothing.


Auto-pay contract list showing "inactive" contract types

  • Inactive CW contracts no longer show


Sync status is empty even though many syncs have happened
