What are these charges in my bank account? Where can I find information on these debits?

Here is a list of items you may expect to see in your bank account which relate to ConnectBooster:

Gateway Services
Clearent Monthly Fee

Debit Description:

  • CBI (ConnectBooster Inc) - $149 SaaS charge for the CB portal. You should receive an invoice each month via email for this
  • Gateway Services Web Payment - BNG Gateway access and usage charges. Also includes $0.35 ACH transaction charges. A breakdown can be found by logging into www.bnggateway.com under Settings + Billing Statement.
  • Clearent LLC - Fees for Visa/MC/Disc/Amex transactions run the prior month. You should receive a paper copy of the statement, but 24 months of archived copies are also available online at www.clearent.com

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