
This section allows you to upload different logo versions. The intentions are for a better fit on mobile devices and to properly contrast with the portal "Primary Color".

We recommend:

  • High quality transparent image formats.
  • At least a single "Color Logo With Text" version.
  • *While no technical size restriction* - our system does scale extremely large logos, which may have adverse affects.

Step one:

-Click the "Drop your logo image files here to upload" to open a File Explorer, and select an appropriate version.

Step two:

-Click the drop menu under the desired type.

Step three:

-Select the name of your uploaded file, in our example "Symbol.png".

Image 90

Color Logo With Text:

  • primary logo on the login page, and header of the admin/client portal

White Logo With Text:

  • primary logo on the login page, and header of the admin/client portal
    • Has precedence and will override "Color Logo with Text".
  • This is also the version that the "HTML invoice" utilizes (from the "Invoice Image Data" section).
    • Does not actually need to be "White", but is simply a recommended styling choice.

Color/White Logo Without Text:

  • The preferred version to use only for mobile devices.
    • If these are not present, the system fallback is the "With Text" version(s).

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