
Integration Overview:

Below is a visual representation of the data that will synchronize between Xero and your portal.

ConnectBooster to Xero Data Flow Diagram:

Image 157

Expected Behaviors & Highlights:

  • No more manually receiving payments!
    • All payments made in the billing portal will automatically transfer, and apply directly to the respective invoices in Xero!
  • Syncing will occur once every 60 minutes.
    • If you want data to show immediately in the portal after creating or adjusting invoices/companies/etc. , you may click "Sync Now" under Settings + Integrations.

Image 158

  • You may de-authorize the connection to Xero at any time. 
    • However ~ this is ill-advised unless speaking to a support member first. Failure to do so may result in data complications if payments are made.

Getting Started:

1. Login to your created ConnectBooster portal.

  • Under the top left three bar menu Image 148, navigate to Settings + Integrations.


2. Click the "New Integration" button.

  • Select Xero from the "Accounting" Section.


3. Click the "Online Authentication" button.

  • This will open a new browser tab, prompting you to login to your Xero account.


4. Login to Xero
  • Authorize the permissions, and "Save" your changes.

Image 151

5. Use "Test Connection" to make sure the integration is properly configured.



The "Sync Now" is rarely needed, as the portal continuously syncs on an hourly basis.

Congratulations !! You are now finished with setting up Xero as your accounting package!

Re-Authorization (Handling Disconnections and Reconnections)

If your syncs are failing due to an authentication issue you can re-authorize your Xero Integration by repeating steps 3-5 above.

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