ConnectWise (SOAP)

Setting up your ConnectWise Integrator

  1. Log into your desktop ConnectWise client.
  2. Under the “System” tab, go to “Setup Tables.”
  3. Search for table name *integrator, and select the Integrator Login table.Integrator3
  4. Create a new Integrator
    • Be sure to set the Username as “connectbooster” and the Access Level to “All records”. Create and set your desired password.
      • Failure to do so will prevent ConnectBooster from integrating into your ConnectWise.
    • Check-mark the following API categories:
      • Set the Service Board to your main incoming/general ticket "Help Desk" board.
Service Ticket API Reporting API
Managed Services API System API
Contact API Project API
Company API Configuration API
Invoice API Agreement API
Opportunity API Document API
Opportunity Conversion API


Save and close the record.

ConnectBooster Portal steps:

Under Settings + Integrations, click the "New Integration" button.

Image 29

Select the desired PSA, which in this case is ConnectWise.

Image 30

Enter the required credentials and save the changes.

Image 28

You may use "Test Connection" at any given time. The "Sync Now" is rarely needed, as the portal continuously requests information from your ConnectWise when requested.


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