Customer Emails

Manage all Customer Facing emails

Navigate to Settings + Configurations + Customer Emails

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Transaction Emails are on by default, and can not be turned off.

  • We automatically send these to the "notification contacts" from either your CRM or accounting package.

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You may edit each individual email template. You may customize:

  • Subject Line
  • Title
  • Header Content
  • Footer Content

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The "Account Summary" feature is OFF by default. 

  • This feature allows you to send clients a recurring "friendly" type email of all open invoices in the system (at the time of sending). It is not intended to be a "collections" type email, but rather a reminder of what is open and due. You may update the wording to be more aggressive if preferred.

Turning this on requires 3 steps.

1. Check-mark the box

2. Pick the time of month you want this to trigger

3. Decide who the recipient is.

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