Contact Profiles

Manage Customer Contact security "Profile" levels for clients.

  • You can customize the security permissions for each profile uniquely. Doing so can lock down certain clients from doing specific functions within the portal.
  • Example ~ you want a "Billing Admin", to make payments online, but you don't want a regular "User" to do the same.


If a profile does not already exist, you may click "New Profile".

  • You may see a few pre-generated ones depending on your particular integration.
    • Changing these permissions will NOT impact your integration directly (ie. updating the ConnectWise setup tables).

Expanding the profile name yields all of the various options you can toggle on or off.

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Note - New in ConnectBooster 2.4.0 is the ability to show detailed information about credit memos and unapplied payments. This functionality is controlled in the customer portal by toggling "Can View Credits" and "Can View Unapplied Payments" for each contact profile for which you want to control access for.

Save Changes, and the Profiles will take affect immediately (and retro actively update any previously setup clients).

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